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Community Kite Festival
السبت، 02 مارس
An unforgettable experience!

الوقت والموقع
02 مارس 2024، 11:00 ص – 4:00 م
Huntsville, 2151 Airport Rd SW, Huntsville, AL 35801, USA
نبذة عن الحدث
Sponsored by the AshaKiran Foundation, the Community Kite Festival is an annual event that fosters inclusiveness, diversity, equity, and harmony across all ethnic and social backgrounds by bringing people together through kite flying and family-friendly activities.
This is a free event with an entertaining array of activities to enjoy if the winds die down, such as free art projects, clowns, music, and more.
To learn more, visit Community Kite Festival | Ashakiran Inc (ashakiranonline.org)